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Spearmint tea is a beloved classic that expertly combines Chinese Gunpowder Tea with fresh American mint leaves. This exceptional blend yields a remarkable infusion, offering a rich and deep flavor profile accompanied by invigorating aromas. The robust and earthy characteristics of Gunpowder Tea harmonize beautifully with the cool and refreshing essence of spearmint, resulting in a truly satisfying experience for the palate. Whether you prefer to savor it steaming hot or over ice, spearmint tea promises a delightful treat that never fails to refresh and revitalize.


Embrace the timeless allure of spearmint tea and immerse yourself in its rejuvenating qualities. With each sip, the minty freshness awakens the senses, providing a soothing and uplifting sensation. Its versatility allows you to enjoy it as a comforting companion during chilly days or as a revitalizing beverage to beat the summer heat. Whichever way you choose to relish it, spearmint tea is an exquisite blend that transports you to a realm of pure refreshment and enjoyment. Treat yourself to this cherished classic and let the harmonious fusion of flavors elevate your tea-drinking experience.


Price Options
One-time purchase
Never Run Out!
$5.00every week until canceled
3 Months
Subscribe for one bag each month.
$5.00every month for 3 months
12 Months
Subscribe for one bag each month. Save 10%
$4.50every month for 12 months
  • 2-5 minutes/ 175-190° F/ 1 level tsp/ 6 oz serving

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